Cryo improves the general condition of the skin by increasing oxygen and nutrient supply to the skin. Frequent Cryo tightens the skin and prevents wrinkles.
During Cryo treatment the skin vessels and capillaries undergo a period of vasoconstriction (constriction of blood vessels) followed by vasodilatation (dilation of blood vessels) upon finishing the session. This causes toxins stored in the layers of the skin to be broken down and flushed away. The intense cold activates collagen production in the deeper layers
of the skin,leaving your skin firm and tight. After several applications, you will notice the skin becoming smoother and more even toned with regained elasticity and improved overall “youthful ” feeling.
Provoking a shock by cooling and or shocking (alternating cold and warm) the skin with Cryo around the face and neck, triggers deep layers of collagen into production. This will smooth out facial lines, reduce blemishes, wrinkles and makes tighter appearance within few minutes. A full set of applications (from 4 to 8) will naturally begin to renew production
of collagen. Consequently, the result of a course of treatments is a long lasting return of a more youthful, clear and youngest skin.
After one session you can clearly see the reduction of lines, puffiness and clearing of skin colour. Cryo Face-Lifts safely performed with high benefits and without any special collateral effects and contra-contraindications by using not so hard temperature for respecting comfort of each client without any limit into the age. This modality is executed
using high technological solutions belonging toCool Thermal Shock a new and innovative device ,using gas and liquid free system, handling from the operator who can follow step
by step all evolution of treatment.
-pregnancy and breast-feeding
-heart and kidney disease
-infectious diseases
-atopic eczema
-problems with body temperature regulation